Illustration 0-8 years

Her er eksempler på illustrationer til de helt små børns oplæsning men de kan også bruges til selv at lære at læse når man bare er 7 år. De mindre børn har brug for mange flotte farver og enklere vellignende figurer der er lette at forstå og ikke behøver så meget abstraktionsevne. Det lærer et barn først hen ad vejen.



Here are examples of illustrations for the very young children to read aloud, but they can also be used to learn to read when you are just 7 years old. The smaller children need many beautiful colors and more simple well-liked figures that are easy to understand and do not need as much abstraction. It teaches a child first along the way in life.

2015: Klitnisserne ved Brøndby Strand / Pixies winter in Broendby Beach by jonna larsen and illustrations by Lotte Kjoeller to the 0 - 8 years old

2015: ”Klitnissernes vinter i Brøndby Strand”

Skrevet af Jonna Larsen. To små drillenisser fra stranden lander på forskellig vis i en gammel dames lejlighed. Der sker en masse ting som den gamle dame ikke kan forstå, men så…  Med 13 illustrationer af Lotte Kjøller. Forlaget Karius.



2015: "Pixies winter in Broendby beach"

Written by Jonna Larsen. Two little pixies from the beach land in different ways in an old lady's apartment. There are a lot of things the old lady can not understand, but so ... With 13 illustrations of Lotte Kjoeller. The publisher Karius.

3 illustrations of Lotte Kjoeller: Collage of drawings and photo made on coloured carton, with coloured or gray pencils.

Han kom om natten / He came by night by Iben Krogsdal  and illustrations by Lotte Kjoeller to the 0 - 8 years old

2012: "Han kom om natten"

Skrevet af Iben Krogsdal. Illustreret af Lotte Kjøller. Unitas forlag 2012.

Det er nat i Betlehem, hvor en enke driver et hotel. Hendes barn kan ikke sove, for hyrderne på markerne lister rundt med deres sorte skæg. De nærmer sig i mørket. Så banker det på døren. Udenfor står en mand med sin højgravide kæreste. Lille sød pixibog. En fortælling til oplæsning/læsning for de mindste og for dem der skal lære at læse.



2012: "He came at night"

Written by Iben Krogsdal. Illustrated by Lotte Kjoeller. Unitas publisher 2012.

It is night in Bethlehem, where a widow runs a hotel. Her child can not sleep, because the shepherds in the fields are lurking with their black beards. They are approaching in the dark. Then it knocks on the door. Outside is a man with his high-pregnant girlfriend. Little cute pixibog. A story  for reading for the smallest.


Illustration of Lotte Kjoeller: Collage of drawings and photo made on wallpaper, with coloured carton, acrylic painting and pencil.