2010: ”Sensuelle Ordbilleder” Artistbook af eks. author and illustrator Lotte Kjøller.

Published on 13 August 2021 at 20:09

2010: ”Sensuelle Ordbilleder”

Artistbook af Lotte Kjøller. Er en illustreret digtsamling af mange kunstnere, der har bidraget hver med et eller flere erotiske digte med tilhørende illustrationer. Mine digte og billeddigte hedder ”Wave” side 70-71 og ”Again” side 72-73. Forsiden på bogen er et kunstværk i sig selv, idet den males direkte af kunstneren dvs. her mig, Lotte Kjøller, hvorefter den signeres af kunstneren. Derfor er hver bog et unica eksemplar. Red. af Leif Nielsen. Udgivet på Forlaget GAL.



2010: "Sensual Words"

Artistbook by Lotte Kjoeller. Is an illustrated poem collection of many artists who have contributed each with one or more erotic poems and accompanying illustrations. My poems and pictorial poems are called "Wave" pages 70-71 and "Again" pages 72-73. The front of the book is a work of art in itself, as it is painted directly by the artist Here me, Lotte Kjøller, after which it is signed by the artist. Therefore, each book is a unique artpiece. Red. by Leif Nielsen. Published on Forlag GAL.

(link to single / front illustrations in illustrations)


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