2004: ”LivLøber” artistbook by Author and illustrator Lotte Kjoeller

Published on 13 August 2021 at 19:38

2004: ”LivLøber”

Artistbook af Lotte Kjøller. Skrevet og illustreret af Lotte Kjøller, der er lavet 13 stk. unika lyriksamlinger med egne sprogdigte og håndcolourerede billeddigte i eget tryk. De er solgt som kunstværker på temaudstilling 2004. ”LivLøber” indeholder 15 billeddigte/illustrationer samt sprogdigte. Jeg sælger stadig en kopi i tryk til 200 kr men originalerne er udsolgt.


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2004: "Livlober"

Artistbook by Lotte Kjoeller. Written and illustrated by Lotte Kjoeller, made 13 pieces. unique lyric collections with their own language poems and hand-painted image poems on their own. They are sold as works of art at the theme exhibition 2004. "LivLober" contains 15 picture poems / illustrations and language poems. I still sell a copy in print for 200 kr, but the originals are sold out.