2018: ”Og de elsker hinanden i København". Artistbook af Lotte Kjøller.

Published on 13 August 2021 at 21:16

2018: ”Og de elsker hinanden i København".

Artistbook af Lotte Kjøller. Denne artistbook blev malet længe før der var noget der hed artistbook. Urene går hver deres tid og tilhører hver deres hovedstad i verden og teksten bagpå refererer dertil. Der var mange bemalede ure. De solgte godt. Disse 2 er de sidste fra 2000. Denne hedder: Og de elsker hinanden i København.  25x16x4 cm. Ur og batteri bemalet med akryl. Unika.



2000: "Honeymoon in Madrid".

Artistbook by Lotte Kjoeller. This artistbook was painted long before there was something called artistbook. The clock each go their time and belong to each of their capital in the world and the text on the back refers to it. There were many painted clocks. They sold well. These 2 are the last from 2000. This is called: And they love each other in Copenhagen. 25x16x4 cm. Clock and battery painted with acrylic. Unique.