2013: Enten - Eller! CULTURE NIGHT 2013

Enten - eller?

kulturnat i Dansk Forfatterforening 11 okt. 2013 fra 18 - 23.

Gratis for alle med kultur pas samt foreningens medlemmer. Forfatterforeningens medlemmer præsenterer digte, noveller, romaner, oversættelser, faglitteratur og illustrationer omkring det at træffe et valg.


Dansk Forfatterforening

Strandgade 8





Either or? culture night in the Danish Writers' Association 11 Oct. 2013 from 18 - 23. Free for all with culture passports as well as association members. The members of the Writers' Association present poems, short stories, novels, translations, non-fiction and illustrations about making a choice. Danish Writers' Association Strandgade 8 Cristianshavn Copenhagen